Wednesday, May 7, 2008

More Vacation

Ok, I had to include a shot with Jason in it. He was there, and we all had a good time. Here he is rescuing poor Joseph from the waves and a dog. The dog was on a leash and not even paying any attention to us, but poor Joseph was sure the dog was going to eat him and his bucket, and his shoes. Tell me how we are ever going to get a dog for Caleb when Joseph is so terrified of them. This is some of the cousins at the big stump. It is an ancient stump that was washed ashore a long time ago. It was pretty cool. And yes that is construction in the background. Even on vacation we have to be right next to the construction. Seriously, our yurt is only about a one minute walk from here.

This is my ALL BOY Trever. Keri took us on a nature walk and we found a newt. All the kids held it..... except Joseph, but Trever had to kiss it. Lets just say that I prefer kisses on the cheek instead of the lips from my darling Trever. I took a few minutes on Thurs day morning to try and get some good pictures of the ocean. Caleb came with me and this is one of my favorite shots.
I have lots of pictures of the Aquarium , but this was my favorite creature that we saw. It is a Japaniese spider crab. Totally amazing. The whole time we were on this trip, I missed diving. I remember the time I went diving in Puget sound. The ocean facinates me. I will choose warmer waters to dive in next time though.


Our Unique Family said...

I love that you have one that totally keeps you on your toes its only fair sense I have one that does the same! I cant believe that he gave the newt a kiss ewww. Sometimes kids are so grouse!! loe kiss the kids but kiss them on their cheecks never know where those lips have been ha ha

amber said...

I love all the pictures! The yurt looks quite nice. What a great family vacation with tons of memories. I'm so glad that you guys were able to stop on your way home! It was great to see your family and we enjoyed your company. I do believe Jason did leave his electric razor at our house and I will be mailing it on Monday. love you guys lots. I can't believe Trever was able to pick up the newt and kiss it. WOW, it was a perfect picture!

Jennifer said...

I don't mind camping...just don't care for it with little kids. Even though they have a blast, it is hard. Looks like you all had fun!

Laurie said...

That crab looks huge! And I love the kissing the newt picture. Fun boys! You have a cute family.