Saturday, May 31, 2008


Well, I knew it was only a matter of time.......We took another trip to the E.R. last night. When Caleb was younger he was never one to take risks. In fact I often had to urge him to be brave and try new things. It took me by surprise to find his wrist not only broken but displaced as well. He was playing on the monkey bars out back, and just dismounted wrong . We were on our way to a family birthday party, I was just telling everyone to load up, and I hear Caleb screaming. He was pretty hysterical, at first. I knew by the look of his twisted left wrist that it was broken. He asked his dad for a blessing, afterwhich he was much calmer. When he found out they might have to do surgery to fix it, he was verry upset again, but then had us say another prayer. He calmed down, and did very well. He even handled the x-rays pretty well. And those aren't gentle. Anyway lon story short, they sedated him and were able to set the bone back in place. He is in a splint for the next week, and will then move to a cast for four to six weeks. What a way to kick off the summer! I feel so bad for him and wish I could make it feel better. I have pics from the hospital on my phone and when I figure out how to get them on the computer I'll post a few.


lemontree said...

Wow! Broken bones are no fun, especially in the summer. Poor kid! See if you can get a waterproof cast, though, so he can still play in the water.

lemontree said...

Sorry I didn't properly introduce myself. Look a little closer at the picture on my blog. My DH is your cousin, Tyler. I know the pseudonyms aren't much help ;) My oldest broke her arm 2 years ago, and a few months later, my middle child broke her collarbone. I had no idea kids could be so fragile!

amber said...

Oh poor caleb and poor poor you!!!! Of all the times to really break a stomach churns just thinking about his wrist!!! Are you guys still coming this weekend? You better be even if it makes you totally and completely INSANE we still all want to see you! And how are you feeling? Goodness, Goodness it certainly pours when it rains. Hang in there, we are thinking about you guys and hope to see you this weekend! Love you lots!

Laurie said...

Ouch! Zach did that his kindergarten year. He was in a cast all summer. He couldn't get in the water at all. Terry took us out on his boat and he wanted to get in the river so bad. We put a plastic bag on it and let him play in the tube. He still got it wet but not as bad as without the bag. It seriously was torture for him. At least it's only for half the summer. I'm so sorry!

Our Unique Family said...

Keep telling yourself that somewhere you will find the silver lining... Well at least this endever will make caleb a little more brave and give him life experience. I love you guys and cant wait to see you soon. At least know your ailments have a diagnosis and they cannot say your crazy... now after removal it will be a whole new set of ailments.. us thueson girls with our genes just cant win.. love you