Monday, June 9, 2008

Dad's Birthday

Happy Birthday Dad! I hope your birthday was something to be remembered. I know that most of my readers know my dad, and that those who don't might think they do for how much I talk about him and quote him. But for those who don't, let me just say for the record that He is the best. I know that most think that about their dads, so I will give some proof. I have been a daddys girl for as long as I can remember. I have always been emensly proud of him. He is my hero and has been a hero to many. I remember standing outside our apt in Buhl on a dark night. I must have been 3 or 4. We could see what appeared to be a head bobbing up and down in the front room of the apt. I remember my dad showing up in his uniform and telling us to stay put. Soon he came out of the house with a balloon and told me we were all very silly to be afraid of a balloon. I remember his smile on so many occasions that lightened the mood and helped us all to find happiness. I remember him letting us try to ride the cow, and laughing at Terry and I as we pretended to be cows and actually tried the cow lick. I was always so proud that he was a police man and I loved his stories. (Ok except the ones he told to scare me straight as a teenager)
Some of the most important lessons he has taught me are: Progression means that we try to be better with our children that our parents were with us. As our family progresses and gets better we perfect our ancestors. and If you are living the best you can and asking for the Lords help, He will guide your life, even if your path does not appear to follow the way you thought. Each path is different and just because it is different doesn't mean the Lord is not guiding it. and Heavenly Father does not stop all bad things from happening just because we pray for it. This life is a mortal one and is meant to be a trial. If we are to gain glory with our Father in Heaven, we must endure the trials of mortality. and there are really so many more. He taught me the power of a good laugh, and not to be so hard on myself. (ok dad, I still struggle with that, but I am trying)
Well, I miss my dad every day. He was my best friend for a long time. He taught me to be independant, but I still need him and often ask myself what he would do or what he would tell me if he were here. I remember many many nights of writing English papers or math homework in front of a good movie with my dad after work. I remember him rubbing my feet and vice versa. I now know what a great service that was. I truely miss things like........him calling me back up the stairs at 12:00 Am to ask me how far I would be if he hadn't called me back, and telling me to spit in one hand and want in the other to see which filled up faster and especially where to find sympathy in the dictionary. I could go on and on, but I don't want this to sound like an obituary. He is still kicking and is as busy and fun as ever. (Note the four wheeler rides he took the boys on) Here is to another 60 great years dad. (and I didn't even touch what a great Grandpa he is.) I love you.


Laurie said...

You really do have the greatest dad! I just love him. I'm so thankful for the kindness he has always extended to me. And he is the wisest man I know. Happy Birthday Don!

Our Unique Family said...

Oh meagon we do have such a great dad and thank you for making cry like a little baby.. by the way thats not hard these days.... You are such a great daughter, sister, wife, and mother and I thank you for being a lot like our father. I love you and I love him. Our family might be crazy but we sure do love eachother and its all because of our Dad and our mom!! I wish I could have been there with you guys I think I was the only one missing... hopefully soon I will be coming for a visit love you April

Jennifer said...

Thanks for the post! We truely have the BEST DAD!!! I am thankful for the great example he is and hope that I can live up to just be as good as him. Thanks for the reminder! By the way, it was GREAT to see you all and the kids loved it too. I hope that you all could Texas sometime. It would be fun!