Wednesday, May 7, 2008


This is how we started our trip to the Oregon Coast. It was a long ride, and mom and dad were ever so greatful for the wonderful technology of portable Dvd players, game boys, and leap pads. Each stop we made, the kids would have to sing abc's, count to 20, do the 7's times tables and tell me three things they saw that were different from home, before I would let them turn the movie back on. (I am an evil and cruel mother I know.) The entire 853 miles to the campsite at Beverly Beach State park Joseph kept asking....."Are we on our twip" I would say "yes honey, this our trip" He would then adamately insist that he have his bucket that I had purchased for the trip to the beach. He learned how to say Idaho, Utah and Oregon as well as finially ....... the beach where he was givin his bucket. He could not have been happier.
This is the Yurt we stayed in. It had electricity and a light in it as well as a pretty good heater. This one also came complete with a racoon living under it. He growled at Caleb and I one night as we came out to go to the bathrooms. When we came back he was slinking under the yurt. All night long I heard him dragging and trying to get into various plastic things that he was finding elsewhere in the campsite. The next morning, while we were eating breakfast, he came back. I swear I could read his thoughts. "If there were only three of you instead of four, I would seriously take you on." (Jason was having a shower)

The ocean was very very cold, but the kids loved to run from the waves anyway. It never pored rain on us, but it never did get really warm either. The sky in this picture is about the best shot of the sun I had.


Laurie said...

I have heard about the yurts but have never stayed in one. Would you recommend it? The waters there are cold year round but it's funny how kids don't seem to notice those kinds of things. Very fun pictures! And what fun memories for your boys!

Our Unique Family said...

It looks like a good family vacation. Your boys are too cute and yes Trevor is all boy and its soo stinken cute. I love you and miss you all....good pictures

Jennifer said...

It looks COLD! I am all about the warm weather (not HOT) any more. We have had a great spring so far. Cool enough in the night to open the windows most of the time.
I'm glad you all had a good time!

Unknown said...

Looks like so much fun! I need a beach, and soon!