Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Ok, I know it has been forever since I posted anything. Life has been a little crazy........ even for me. Our dear Mia went back to her birth parents the second week of Jan. Three weeks later she came to visit for three days. Then we got our little A.J. who is two and a half months old. He is soooooo cute. The bluest eyes I have ever seen. We thought that he would just be passing through and be back with his birth family in about 72 hours, but he has been here now for two weeks. We are enjoying every minute. Then little Collin was born (April's) and I got to go and spend the weekend with the California clan. Ok, so it rained the entire time I was there. But it was a good 20 degrees warmer than here in Ut. and it was sooooo quiet. Yes, poor Daddy got to have all four of the boys to himself for 4 days. He did great, and Thank you so very much to all of his family who helped out. Collin is just adorable, and Ashlyn and I had a great time cooking and making cookies. I am just so glad to have my sister April in my life. I love her to death.
The boys are all doing well. They seemed to miss me while I was gone, but the morning I was back they were more interrested in what I had brought them, than in me being there. I am glad they felt secure that I would come back to them and had confidence in their dad.
On a funny note, Caleb is really into his look lately.....especially his hair. Tonight he took a very long shower and then came out with quite the slick hair do. I asked what he put in his hair and he said Gel. Since we don't have any hair gel, I was immediately nervous. ......So it was Deoderant (mens shower cool quick drying gel). He didn't just use a little either. Well, I will try to get some pics on here soon, but for now it is bed time.


Jennifer said...

WOW!!! I bet Caleb's hair smelled AWESOME!! That is just too funny. I have to constantly remind Connor what is enough gel. A few months ago though we were out and about and I had to stop and quickly rub my hands through his hair to get all the flaks of dried gel out!! It looked like SEVERE dandruff. And little missy, when are you coming to Texas? I believe I have been abandoned!!

Laurie said...

I love that you do foster care. You are an amazing person! And you have a beauiful family. So cool that you got to spend some time helping April and that Jason did great with the boys! I can't wait to see pictures of the "cool" hair-do.

Our Unique Family said...

thats pretty funny meagon... did you tell him what he had put in his hair, and was he embarassed? I just want to thank you again for coming and helping me out it means the world to me and I am greatful that you are in my life as well I don't know where I would be without your constant reasurance that I will be fine, no matter what my crisis is you managed to talk me off my lendge even if you make fun of me first. I love you... we will have to do a sister reunion and make it at jennys house so we can go to texas and see her house and her little life there.

Our Unique Family said...

okay women like update your blog already!! If I can find some time to update mine with a very high maintance baby boy then you can do it.... update already I love you April