Friday, January 18, 2008

Snow and more Snow

Ok, this is what we have.... snow, snow and I hear that more is coming. Now don't get me wrong, I am greatful to be getting the water for the summer. Caleb is having fun with all the snow, but Trever and Joseph take about a half an hour to get bundled up, and then spend about 10 min. outside. Then it takes another 30 min. to get them warm and the mess cleaned up.
This is what I am wishing for about now. Well, I hope you are all staying warm and that we will all survive the artic blast over the next few weeks.


Unknown said...

I second that!!!!! How much longer do we have to freeze, and have soggy pant legs, and slip on the ice? I'm over it!

Anonymous said...

well all that snow makes me home sick for about 20min. and then I realize that all that snow makes my bones acke. well I love you and am ready for the warmer wealther as well.

Jennifer said...

I miss the snow also off and on for about a minute and then just wish we could come visit. We got that artic wind this weekend and have been just freezing!! Although my kids think it is 80 and they can wear shorts and short sleeves and go outside in that without socks and shoes... they are crazy and I have to nag at them to put on at least their jackets!!!

Laurie said...

I found your blog page after going to Amber's through a family member of Ken's. I must say I wish we had more snow like you guys. It was fun looking at your blog.