If you look, close that is Annie and I on the jet ski. She kept begging for another "ide". It was so nice that all the kids had life jackets and just played and played. Very relaxing.
Trever would swim and get cold, then lay out on his black tube and warm up.... over and over and over.
Joseph was amazing this year. Last year he would barely get his toes wet without crying. This year it was NO FEAR! He was rarely out of the water. So so so much fun. When I wasn't on a jest ski, I was relaxin on the beach. I did get to go for one wild tube ride and I made it up on skis. I was feeling like an old lady, but after my short trip on skis and my many jet ski trips, I feel much better about myself. What fun summer this is.
I am scared to get my camera ruined so I don't have much pictures. Caleb will ride the jet ski with me, but his favorite was to tube behind the boat. He didn't want to at first, but I was mean and made him go. It only took a few minutes at the right speed...(fast enough to get on top of the water) and he was a believer. I wish I had a pic of him tubing, but I didn't take my camera on the boat. I was working the ropes, being the flag person, and holding Annie... didn't really have a hand to spare anyway. Thanks to the Mertens for sharing their boat and the Palmers for sharing their jet skis. Give us a few years to save up some moolah and we are ready to get a three seater jet ski.
Looks like you guys are having a Great summer!! Lots of time camping and at the lake. Glad to see you were not the only mean mom and made Joseph try the tube! Good to see the new picts.
Hey sis, brings back lots of family memories of our boat. I sure wish I had a lake to swim in this 135 degree weather is burtal. Any ways, take care love you all.
ok... new post, birthday...
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