Friday, July 18, 2008

Memory Lane

Ok, I usually don't play the tag games and stuff, but since I have been feeling a little lonely lately, this one sounded fun.

1. Leave a comment here of a memory you have of you and I. It doesn't matter if we know each other well or just a little.
2. If you leave a comment I will go to your blog. If you are playing there I will leave a comment, if not I will comment here on my memory of us.


Our Unique Family said...

well I have so many memories of us but I guess knowing you my whole life that is what we get.... remember when we took you to college the two "little girls" were so sad we thought you were getting married and that we would never see you again and amber cried the whole way home. Well I must say that well I do see you but not nearly enough if we truly knew what growing up meant we would have never stoped crying! I love you and wish we lived closer so we could see eachother more often! I love you cant wait to see you

Unknown said...

I don't know why, but the first memory that came to mind was us all sitting in Grandmas living room and you did a little recital for everyone and I thought you were pretty much amazing.

amber said...

Well of course I have lots of memories. Of course I remember crying the whole way home when we left you at college. I remember driving around up at ricks and whenever you would call your apartment "your place" or 'your home" i would get so upset....clearly that wasn't anything close to being your home!!! I remember you and (I think it was) Jan taking April and I trick-or-treating in Utah to all the HUGE houses that handed out the full size candy bars. I remember you wrote a song and you and Terry were singing and playing the piano late at night, I was laying on the couch and the music was so beautiful. I remember laying there thinking how great you guys were. You are such a great big sister and I love you lots!

Victoria said...

Meagon, I remember when I was called to be the choir pianist while you were the director at our ward in Riverdale. We were new in the area, and my husband was working CRAZY long hours at his restaurant, and I was feeling incredibly isolated in my apartment with a 6 month old baby and no car. You offerred to let me come to your house to practice some hymns for the choir, and on the day I went I grabbed a Pepsi at Ammon's work before I came over. You were busy in the kitchen creating something and when I was finished I chatted with you for a while before I left. Caleb asked what I was drinking, and not wanting to make a bad impression by admitting I was drinking *gasp* caffeine, I chuckled and said "Something I probably shouldn't be." I remember you laughed and admitted to your own Coke obsession, and the friendship was sealed from that moment on. I miss you!!

The Bartschi Family said...

Duncan MacLeod :)

Meagon said...

What more needs to be said. Two words and you had me laughing out loud. I have too many wonderful memories, but I do remember the first time I met you. I loved being at your house (with Becky) you were reading and drawing up blue prints for a class you had. I couldn't believe how quiet and smart you were.

Laurie said...

I remember meeting you in a park in Utah somewhere and I think you were newly married. Jason was there. Grandma and Grandpa Mencl were there and lots of other people that I have no idea if or how they were related. I just remember being with you and Jason and talking to you and really liking you.

Julie said...

I remember playing with you and your sisters in the back yard of your house when we were little. I remember you had a broken leg when I saw you at Ken and Laurie’s wedding reception and that you were a teacher in Nevada at the time. And I remember going to your house in Riverdale and celebrating grandma mencl’s birthday! Your boys were so cute!

Jennifer said...

I guess I have to say that I was pretty much a MEAN sister. I remember how I put hair clips in your clorox doll's hair and I thought it was so cute and beautiful, but you were so upset and said that it was ruined. I also remember us sharing a room together and hiding on the side of the bed or behind it, you would think that I had come to bed and then not see me and I could really scare the snot out of you!! Anyway, hopefully I didn't leave any lasting scars! Love you lots!!